Monday 30 December 2013

Motivational Tips for 2014... (Part 3)

7. 7 Habits Of Highly Motivated People

“When it’s time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived.” — Henry David Thoreau
If you know the habits of highly motivated people, you can try more things, start more ventures, get back up when you get knocked down, and inspire yourself and others to do great things.
Motivation is more than just finding your drive though.  It’s also understanding any limiting beliefs and internal conflicts that get in the way of bringing out your best.  And to truly motivate yourself for the long haul, you need the ability to inspire yourself.
My favourite definition of inspire is “to breathe life into.”  So, effective motivation is the ability to continuously breathe life into whatever you do.
But first, let’s do a level-set on what motivation is and why we care.

8. 4 Keys To Fulfilling Your Life’s Purpose

Strong people are those who have identified their strengths and use them on a daily basis to add value to their lives and to the lives of those around them.
Every one of us has ‘a strength’. And it is by tapping into that strength and by strengthening that strength that we can produce the most productive life possible.
There was a skinny little kid showing off to some of his little friends the muscles that were developing in his skinny forearm.
One of the bigger kids mocked him saying, ‘Hey Robbo, are you trying to break the record for the muscle that hangs down the lowest?’
All the kid’s laughed.
Unmoved, with the biggest possible voice that he could muster, he looked at all the kids eyeball to eyeball declaring, ‘My dad says that even though I may not have much muscle on the outside yet, I’ve got heaps of BIG muscles on the inside. And if I keep working out, one day every one of those muscles is going to pop out everywhere all over my body.

9. How To Socialize Effectively Every Time

If you happen to be nervous and hesitant in social situations, then you realize how many opportunities for meeting and making friends you’ve missed out on. This article will help you stop this kind of pattern.
Just imagine how your life would be if you could talk to people whenever you wanted, and you knew how to hold interesting conversations, keep in touch, and make friends. How much more fulfilling life would be?
Don’t be trapped into thinking that having a great social life requires heavy social skills that only the most extroverted of us have been born with. It boils down to a set of strategies and mind-shifts that anyone can start using.
By peter G James Sinclair and friends

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