Sunday 12 January 2014

The Subconscious Mind Downloads Unveiled

The subconscious mind is teaming with various downloads from either our environments or childhoods. We are literally on autopilot; we view, behave and react to challenges powerlessly leading us to daily possibilities of anger, depression, fear, hate and worry. Because we operate from the conscious mind we hardly know what is going on below the conscious mind. There is no awareness of what is there. But isn't there? In order to know what is going on in that part of the mind LOOK AT YOUR LIFE. Whatever programming is in the subconscious mind is evidence relived in your daily life. For example, do you flip at people for small mistakes (not to imply it is acceptable for big mistakes)? Then anger is one of those downloads in your subconscious mind!
Can we change the downloads in the subconscious mind?
You bet we can! Stay with me here, patience is one of the virtues that is required here; remember it took years to download all that garbage and depending on the depth and your resolve, it can take months or days to undo the programmes. Nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible without you allowing it to be impossible. I am talking from experience here; a year ago I was the most unconscious person you could have met. Coming from a Christian back ground, that subconscious mind "junk" did not appeal to me. After all if it was indeed existent, God would sort it. It was not my problem! Or wasn't it? To cut the long story short I was introduced to holosync meditation through a trial, I was sold by the blissful feeling and hence ended up buying their CDs that totally opened this world of the loving God, the universe and more. To this day my subconscious mind has a lot of transformation as I have and still continue to discover who I AM. There are no judgements in this world, JUST LOVE (Christ like love).
After discovering a few changes to my thinking and life through changing the subconscious mind beliefs, I was all out for more. Oh yes, if you read my article (Digging the garbage out of the subconscious mind) you will read about some of the methods I have used. Right now my biggest benefit has been joy and happiness; oh yeah! Last year I had a burning senses ion in my chest; it was hate, anger and intense fear. I asked for wisdom and understanding and I was lead to all these ways that I went full out in doing what they required. I now feel happy and when what used to trigger the feeling comes, I know how to let go immediately using the Release technique. It is great for releasing the subconscious mind blocks as they surface.

By Victoria Verrell.  source:-GoArticles

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